
Transfer Of Private Drains & Sewers: What You Need To Know

At BlockBusters we like to keep our customers fully informed about any changes that may have an impact on our customers and the wider community. We like to do this to make sure our customers are confident about the services on offer from drainage contractors and they get the best value for money.

On 1st October 2011 new government legislation comes into force that means water companies will take over the responsibility for some sewer pipes that have traditionally belonged to homeowners. This legislation is known as the Transfer of Private Sewers and although your householder may not experience any change you may actually benefit from the reduction in your liability.

In short most homeowners have been liable for their drainage system even when it has left their property boundary, right out until it reaches the main sewer, which is generally found in the public highway/road. Many private sewers service more than one property and historically homeowners would share this liability with their neighbours. 

From 1st Oct water companies will now be responsible for the private sewer either when it leaves a property boundary or as soon as it goes shared with a neighbouring property – (even when this is within your boundary) – whichever happens first. 

So with this new legislation in mind – what should you do if you get a blocked drain or other drainage problems?

You need to continue to call us! – Bearing in mind that a large proportion of blockages occur internally or within your property boundary we are best placed to come out quickly and resolve both internal and external drainage or plumbing problems. We will investigate drainage liability so that if there is a more serious problem we can advise and help you. We also can provide free advice and refer you to a free insurance mediation service should you have a potential insurance claim. So no matter what the issue is you can be confident that BlockBusters will quickly find the most cost effective solution.

For more information regarding the Private Sewers Transfer or any drainage or plumbing problem do not hesitate to call us on 0800 0689282 or visit our website.

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